'2013/04/26'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2013.04.26 The Big Bang Theory S06E21 5
posted by 공대언니 2013. 4. 26. 13:39


The Big Bang Theory S06E21.smi
Version LOL
수정금지 / 자유배포 / 피드백사절

Unless his name is Jay-Z. 

Not Brian Boitano, that's for sure.

Sir Elton John.

...when I went to see Taylor Swift. 

It's a fat guy on a Segway.

Bought this at the Staples Center...


'Season 6' 카테고리의 다른 글

The Big Bang Theory S06E23  (5) 2013.05.10
The Big Bang Theory S06E22  (5) 2013.05.03
The Big Bang Theory S06E20  (7) 2013.04.05
The Big Bang Theory S06E19  (6) 2013.03.15
The Big Bang Theory S06E18  (8) 2013.03.08