'2013/02/01'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2013.02.01 The Big Bang Theory S06E14 8
posted by 공대언니 2013. 2. 1. 13:49


The Big Bang Theory S06E14.smi
Version LOL
수정금지 / 자유배포 / 피드백사절

Sheldon: Would it come with kung-fu grip?

Sheldon: Yes, hot apple cider with cinnamon sticks!

Sheldon: Yeah, because I'm not interested in getting published in Mad magazine.

Sheldon: Welcome to the Thunderdome, Kripke.

Leonard: Maybe Wesley Snipes and Toucan Sam just got action figures that look like you guys.

Raj: Now I can look like Val Kilmer as Batman instead of Val Kilmer as he looks today.

Raj: Always bet on black!


'Season 6' 카테고리의 다른 글

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The Big Bang Theory S06E12  (11) 2013.01.04
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