posted by 공대언니 2012. 10. 26. 13:51


The Big Bang Theory S06E05.smi

Version LOL

수정금지 / 자유배포 / 피드백사절

Howard: At the Walgreens, I was over the moon for their store-brand antacids.

Howard: On a good day, dinner was a bag full of meatloaf.

Amy: I think I'm gonna try green tea mixed with lemon zinger.

Sheldon: R2-D2 and C-3PO!

Sheldon: Hewlett and Packard.

Howard: Creature from the Black Forest Ham Lagoon.

Sheldon: Night of the Living Garlic Bread?

Raj: Ooh, Hallow-weenies!

Howard: We were eating at Johnny Rockets.

Leonard: Sometimes I like to turn this on and pretend I'm the super villain Magneto.

Raj: ...or they also have the Tardis from Doctor Who.

Amy: How about Raggedy Ann and Andy?

Raj: Stuart wanted Kraft Draculoni and cheese.

Howard: Raj sent me some video of Buzz Aldrin.

Buzz: Here's a Mars bar.

Buzz: It's a Milky Way.

Buzz: And this one's a Moon Pie.


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